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Trees From Above


Team Introduction: 소개

What is Land Surface Model(LSM)


Land Surface Model is a model program that simulates
the interaction of soil, plant, and precipitation.
It consists of computing codes linked to
four processes.

  • Interrelationship with the atmosphere (Exchanges with the atmosphere)

  • The interrelationship between the ground and the sea Exchange with the oceans

  • Human activities of the interrelationship between the ground and people according to the type of human use of the ground.

  • Topographic Characteristics Land-memory Process (ex. Soil Moisture)

What is NOAH LSM

  • N: National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)

  • O: Oregon State University (Deptof Atmospheric Sciences)

  • A: Air Force Weather Agency (both AFWA and AFRL-formerly AFGL, PL)

  • H: Hydrologic Research Lab –NWS (now Office of Hydrology)

NOAH LSM is one of several Land surface models.

Atmospheric forcing variables and Initial Conditions can be used to model the characteristics of the ground interacting with various environmental conditions.
Changes such as Land type, Soil texture, Temperature, and Precipitation can be simulated using NOAH LSM.

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