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NOAH LSM Modeling result analysis

Modeling Conditions

  • When modeling NOAH LSM, weather data for 2019 was selected from among the weather data provided by NOAH, and values classified by hour for one year's weather data were entered. The reason for using weather data for 2019 is that the most recent data among all data provided for one year is from 2019.-

  • The modeling results did not clearly show the degree of change in soil temperature and soil moisture content according to the increase in surface temperature. In consideration of this, it was decided not to quantitatively calculate the change in soil characteristics according to the temperature rise, but to evaluate the tendency of proportion and inversely proportional first. Therefore, the increase in the surface temperature was set to 7 degrees Celsius and 15 degrees Celsius, respectively, as previously planned.

  • The variables used in modeling are SOILM and STC. For the soil temperature, the temperature of the top layer of soil among the four soil layers was simulated, and as a variable, STC was used. Total oil column moisture (frozen+unfrozen) was simulated for the soil moisture content, and SOILM was used as a variable.

  • Urban areas and rural areas were selected as Seodaemun-gu, Seoul and Gangwon-do, respectively.

Soil Temperature

  • Urban Area

min=264.9   max=302.265

min=264.897   max=302.266

min=264.895   max=302.266

min=270.854   max=297.157

min=270.854   max=297.157

min=270.854   max=297.157

soilt 1.2.png
soilt 1.1.png
soilt 1.3.png

min=264.9   max=302.265

min=264.897   max=302.266

min=264.895   max=302.266

  • Rural Area

soilt 2.2.png
soilt 2.1.png
soilt 2.3.png

min=270.854   max=297.157

min=270.854   max=297.157

min=270.854   max=297.157

Interpretation of the Results

  • In the case of urban areas, as the temperature increased, the minimum value of the soil temperature decreased slightly, and the maximum value of the soil temperature increased slightly.

  • In the case of rural areas, there was no change in soil temperature due to temperature rise.

  • When comparing urban areas and rural areas, the minimum soil temperature value was higher in rural areas than in urban areas, and the maximum value was lower. Therefore, it was confirmed that the range of changes in soil temperature in urban areas was larger than rural areas.

Analysis: 뉴스와 각종 자료

Soil Moisture

  • Urban Area

min=1.14477   max=1.33135

min=1.14477   max=1.33135

min=1.14477   max=1.33135

  • Rural Area

soilm 2.3.png
soilm 2.2.png
soilm 2.1.png

min=1.12675   max=1.33398

min=1.12675   max=1.33398

min=1.12676   max=1.33398

Interpretation of the Results

  • In both urban and rural areas, the maximum and minimum values of the soil moisture content due to the increase in surface temperature were the same at all temperatures. Therefore, it was difficult to analyze significant changes in soil properties.

  • When comparing urban areas and rural areas, the minimum value of soil moisture content was smaller in rural areas than in urban areas, and the maximum value was larger. Therefore, it was confirmed that the change in soil moisture content in rural areas was larger than urban areas.

soilm 1.1.png
soilm 1.2.png
soilm 1.3.png
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